Course in ‘Twelve Jewels’
26-29 October 2012
Paramount College Perth, WA
Suitable for homeopaths, naturopaths, crystal healers and medical practitioners.
Biennial conference of the Australian Homeopathic Association
Saturday 13th October
Stamford Plaza, Brisbane
Visit the Australian Homeopathic Association website for more details
Peter will deliver the following paper: “Turquoise, the colour and the power”
The gemstone Turquoise was proved by a group of homeopaths in Canberra in 2006. It has since been used successfully by a number of practitioners, especially in respiratory disorders where Phosphorus seems indicated. In addition to its own characteristic standard homeopathic symptomatology its unique situational indications will be explored. The prominent clinical indications of its definitive colour and its unique crystalline structure will be explained.